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7 Things We Should Do To Be Blessed! (Part-2)

Hello dear friends🌸❤️ Blessed day to you all!! 😇

Let me take you to the second part of what we should be doing in order to be blessed!! So, here we go:

4. By blessing others, we become blessed in turn - That’s what Jacob did to Pharoah when he came to Egypt - Jacob blessed Pharoah. Genesis 47:7. Egypt, spiritually refers to this present sinful world. We must be a blessing for people those around us - in our neighbourhood, workplace and places where we live. When we become an encouragement for those who have given up on this world and are heading towards destruction, God will bless and reward us for the help and good we do to them!!

Let our lives be a blessing for others as long as we live!

5. When we do God’s work ON TIME - Yes, that’s right! There will be times when we might delay what we thought of doing for the Lord! For example, Isaac’s elder son Esau delayed in getting the savoury food for his dad ON TIME; and thus, lost the blessing he was supposed to receive.

However, Jesus was very particular regarding this aspect of His ministry - I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. John‬ ‭9:4‬. When we come to God’s presence on time, He blesses us with blessings that lasts forever.

6. When we live peacefully with one another - The Triune God live unitedly, or in other words, they are three-in-one. But the devil desires the opposite of being united and so creates division among people.

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews‬ ‭12:14‬. Peace and Holiness go hand in hand and both are required to be caught up at the coming of Jesus.

7. By preserving the hope of His Coming in us - The Lord loved us before the foundations of the world were laid and Called us by counting us as faithful. 1 Timothy 1:12. Not because of our righteousness or good works, but out of His immense mercy upon us. Now, it’s our duty to abide in this Calling (1 Corinthians 7:20) and grow in it.

He has gone to prepare a place for us, and when He is done preparing He will come back again and take us to be with Him. May the Lord help us!

Be blessed 💕