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Be What You Are Called To Be

Has God called you? Do you realise that He will guide you through it?

Non believers will either hate you or respect you when you share the word of God with them. Their reaction is a choice they are making.

Believers are making a choice when they obey the Word, or do not.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
It puts everyone on the same plain.

God judges non believers. Believers love and pray for them.
Believers correct each other by the word of God. That’s fellowship, not being judgemental.

Many believers fail to realise God’s love and power. Instead, of being overcomer’s they live like victims. They feel judged when corrected. Revealing an emotional entrenchment in their fleshly longings.

That’s why God gives us the will and desire to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). Ask Him sincerely and He will make you a warrior for His glory.

A soldier is not a victim. He knows his purpose.
Jesus in you does not make you a victim. But, an overcomer.

Called To Shine

Christ in you is the hope of glory. It’s time to arise and shine for God’s glory by not being manipulated by good looking, lack of spiritual depth, emotional preaching and music being thrown at us today.

The apostolic lifestyle is a testament of God’s provision. To those He has called, can thrive if they walk in His love and power. To those who are joined with them, will need to grow in the same spiritual maturity God has called them. This fellowship is unique and sacred.

Come let us worship and bow down before the Lord our God our Maker. Let Jesus arise in our hearts so God can fulfil His perfect will in and through our lives. Praise God and Amen.