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Are you stuck at the Cross?

The Cross is the starting point for every new believer. Either they get a clear vision of the Cross, or the Word of God convicts them. The transformation is supernatural. They are born again - a personal encounter with God that radically changes their outlook to life. 

This is not the same as being born into a Christian family. A personal encounter with God is essential. Jesus is not a religious tradition; He is THE way and life.

The Cross represents a victory. A victory over sin, sickness, fears and death. A repentant sinner receives a new lease of life that gives him hope, the perfect reason to live. 

Here’s where the problem is for many Christians; they remain in their sins, even after knowing what Jesus did. They believe, but have not begun the process to know Him yet. He is risen. He is alive and well to take you on a journey of a life-time. Actually, an eternal journey. 

I want to share three reasons why we often get stuck, unable to move on. To grow and live the resurrected lifestyle daily. 

Remembering Sins

The Bible, Isaiah 43:25, teaches us that God does not remember our sins. Once repented of, He forgives and forgets them. Sadly, many hold on to their past mistakes in their heart, condemning themselves and unable to grow in the new way. Despite repenting of their sins, the fear of having gone against God keeps them in religious strongholds. They live each day hoping not to sin again. The burden of which, drives them to sin again.

What must one do? In prayer, place all your burdens before the Lord. Know that nothing can snatch you away from His love. Believe, and move ahead with the burden Christ gives you. (Matthew 11:8-30)

What burden did Christ give? We need to walk in the love of God, and love others like Jesus. (Matthew 11:30/ 1 John 5:3)

Still desiring old ways

The Israelites were in bondage for over 400 years in Egypt. They never had to fight any battle; they laboured, ate and slept. After God led them out through Moses, they complained and murmured and preferred the life in Egypt. 

There are many Christians who prefer their life before being saved. Why? They realise that the real battle starts after they are free. Just like it happened with the Israelites who had to battle 7 nations and 31 Kings and more… 

James 1:15 reminds us that while we are attacked, temptation tries to draw us to sin. We must be disciplined in our walk to overcome these temptations lest we fall back into old sinful ways.

How should we walk? Colossians 2:2-23/3:1-17.

Fear the unknown future

A man of this world is clear about his priorities in this world. He expects to live long and build himself a life that is all about him, his reputation. He creates his own plan to achieve in life, for himself and his near and dear ones. His primary needs being food, clothing, shelter, and a reputable position.

The Christian on the other hand, is called to seek God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). To set his affections on things above and not on the things of the earth (Colossians 3:1-3). Why? Because God already knows our earthly needs, and He who promised to provide will fulfill His will in our lives. That sounds totally scary to the unsaved man! Also, to those Christians living in fear.

Today, Christians are constantly challenged by the lure of money. Most decisions are being made by the strength of their wallet. The ability that Money brings in, giving you a perception of security, is too tempting for a casual Christian. Pastor’s who have gotten comfortable with their ministry get enslaved as well. 

Doing the Father’s will is not just for Full-Time Pastors, it is for every believer. Every Christian must understand that their future belongs to God; money should never take precedence over the Truth in the Word of God. The boldness to give up a job that directly impacts your faith can come only from Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. To know an action goes directly against the word of God, one needs to live the Word of God. Be an active Christian, living the resurrected life.