Heart Problem

Some believers live in church, in a closed environment, with or without their families. Cut off from the world to focus their lives on Word and Prayer. Others live in a more mixed environment in their homes or shared spaces with their family. Both groups have people who sin and have divisions within. Both have good and backslidden believers. 

What does that tell you? It is not the environment outside that will change you. It’s the environment in you that will change you.

Can a transformed heart be easily influenced by the environment?

  • Joseph refused to be influenced by his environment. He loved and trusted God to see him through daily in those 20 years of slavery in Egypt

  • Daniel did not let the luxury of the King's palace influence his consecration for God

  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were full of godly fire that protected them from ungodly fire

  • The bitterness in Naomi and the sufferings they endured did not affect Ruth because she loved God wholeheartedly

Dear believer, never blame anyone or your circumstances when things don't look or feel right. Humble yourself and hear from God. Wait on Him and receive your victory. 

When Christ is in us, God will influence our lives for His glory. Let the Spirit of God fill you with His righteousness, peace and joy. 

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.


Born Again


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