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How to clean your heart?

Man was fine till he let the seed of curiosity lead to a sinful heart. Many youth get too hard on themselves. They lack knowledge of their fleshly human condition. Only when we seek God intentionally do we get to know how we were and what we can become without God. Till then, we are in ritualistic religion. We end up tempted to fight our own battles. In turn, we burden ourselves spiritually.

A sinful heart is bound in sinful thinking and action.

Every fruit first is a seed in the mind and takes root in the heart, manifesting itself over time.

Cain was cautioned by God about sin waiting to rule over him. When does sin rule over us? When our offerings do not please God, we let in frustrations that bring sin into our lives. So give your best to God, and He will fill you with more of Himself. Offerings that don't please God end up becoming unnecessary burdens we carry. They further lead to sin and sickness.

Paul warns us in Romans 6:12 about sin reigning over our mortal bodies. He instructs us to subject the body to protect ourselves from the lust of the flesh.

King David's words remind us that when the word of God is hiding in our hearts, sin cannot reign. (Psalms 119:9-11).

Don't let vain thoughts lodge in your head (Jeremiah 4:14). Sinful thoughts lead to wickedness. Israel's frequent disobedience led them into wickedness.

God does not hear those who enjoy sinful thoughts (Psalms 66:18).

When we hide God's word in our hearts, we get washed by His word. God's word alone can clean us from sinful thinking. Get ready! Let Jesus be in all your thoughts. He is coming for you.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.