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How To Not Get Distracted In Your Spiritual Walk?

There are many reasons why we get distracted from what's most important for us. We live in a cluttered world. With more choices and more to consume. It's important to focus.

5 reasons why you get distracted in your spiritual walk

There are many reasons, these are essential and relatable.

  1. Jesus is not your first love (Revelation 2:1-4)
  2. You lack purpose (2 Samuel 11:1)
  3. Lack biblical counsel (1 Samuel 3:1)
  4. You doubt God's Word (James 1:5-8)
  5. You are in bed with the world (Judges 16:17-19)

Is Jesus your first love? The church at Ephesus did everything right. But, they lacked the first love. Jesus was. not numero uno for them.

God created us for Himself. How wonderful, isn't it? His plans are always the best. He saved us from doing our own will and heading to Hell. He's called us to do His perfect will. David needed to be at war (prayer-life), but he wasted his time on the terrace.

How to establish Purpose? Through sound biblical counsel. When young, be desirous to hear the word of God. Understand the doctrine you are learning. Come under teachers who will guide you. Samuel had Eli. Timothy had Paul. In the multitude of counsel we have safety.

Doubting God's word is doubting His presence. No one who sees a ten ton truck coming right at him will doubt its power to change his entire framework :). Judas loved money more than God despite walking with Jesus.

Samson toyed with his "love-life". He lost his consecration as he indulged with the lust of the flesh. What's your addiction? Flee from youthful lusts and defilement of the world.

Jesus solves every lack in our life (1 Kings 2:3). Love Jesus to avoid getting distracted in your spiritual walk. Look to Jesus, He is all we need. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!