The Truth Is More Important Than Your Reputation

It's difficult to live for the truth when you feel pushed to a corner for being "too" truthful.

In a world of lies and rebellion against God's word, the truth will be crucified. But remember that the truth always rises, eventually. Nothing or no one can bury the truth.

Jesus was a misfit among His Jewish people. He was considered a radical and unfit for "normal" society by the elite know-it-all religious lot.

Jesus' ways were perceived by the then-Jews as one that would shake up comfortable religious settings. Comfortable for the leaders in charge and people in high positions in ministry, but not pleasing to God.

We have a similar scenario today among core Pentecostal settings. People are concerned only about their image rather than the body of Christ.

Some leaders and elders are afraid to stand for the truth in the house of God. All at the cost of God's word.

What happens to the church when the truth is compromised? A lack of humbling leads to stumbling, followed by crumbling.

Humility overcomes the fear of getting a bad reputation

Only the humble can stand for the truth. A humility that speaks and remains silent whenever God desires. A humility that is willing to withstand false accusations and attacks. How is it possible? Only with a closer walk with God in prayer and Bible meditation.

Is your life modelled on Jesus? Then give yourself completely so God can manifest His word in and through you. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.




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