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How To Be A Man Of Peace?

“Peace maker, Godly worker, Word keeper, Created in my likeness, My child, that is who you are”

If you are familiar with the song lyrics “waymaker” then you know. This would be one of the lyrics God sings to us. 😀

Moving on, we are created to be peacemakers. Believers full of the peace of God. This peace will be misunderstood by carnal Christians and non believers as war sometimes. But, it’s in our regenerated spiritual DNA. This is a peace given to us by Jesus when we accepted Him as Lord and Saviour (John 14:27).

We are children of God when we walk in peace and make peace with others. Often many naive believers think it’s okay to compromise the word of God to please a person or not “hurt” them. Does God allow that? No. In Matthew 10:34, Jesus makes it clear that the word will divide families and near and dear ones we have in this world.

Selfish man creates division to destroy by using manipulative words.
A godly man sows peace to save the soul, even if it means there may be problems now. This is a hard saying. Yet, it is the truth that can only be understood by faith based on the word of God.

Who is a Peace maker?

1. Child of God (Matthew 5:9)
2. Spiritually minded (Romans 8:6) (Philippians 4:7)
3. Cheerful (John 16:33)
4. Thankful (Colossians 3:15)
5. Soul winner (Ephesians 6:15)
6. Trusts in God (Isaiah 26:3)
7. Loves God’s righteousness (James 3:18)
8. Believe in the power of His blood (Isaiah 53:5)
9. Love enemies (Jeremiah 29:7)
10. Doer of the Word (Philippians 4:9) (James 1:22)

There are a lot more ways to be a peacemaker.

Remember, Jesus did not leave property or any perishable item for us but His awesome Peace that passes all human understanding.

Maranatha, praise God and Amen!