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Never blame others for the trials in your life

Never blame others for any problems you may face in this life as a believer.

Is it right to blame another person for what’s going on in your life?
Is someone else responsible for the trouble you are facing today?

While it may seem so, the believer who loves the Lord will not blame another human. No matter who they are or what they’ve done. Husband blames the wife. Wife blames the Husband. Parents often blame children. Children blame parents. It's a constant cycle of a sinful lifestyle.

Adam made the biggest mistake of blaming Eve, and so did Eve, by blaming the serpent. They failed to take responsibility, beguiled by the devil. Why was it a mistake? He did not trust in God to resolve the acts of disobedience he and Eve committed. Being the first man on earth, having had dominion over all, he failed to understand God's love for him.

Israel blamed Moses for the misfortunes along the journey in the wilderness. This attitude cost them dearly because they lacked the gratitude having been set free from excessive physical bondage. The misfortunes were a result of Israel's disobedience, and not poor leadership. The murmurers and disputers were eventually judged by God on the way.

Why should we never blame others?

The New Testament church is called to follow Jesus. Jesus never blamed anyone, instead HE came down to rescue man.

Nehemiah was a mighty man of God who humbled himself for the sins of his forefathers. He blamed himself when he saw the broken down walls of Jerusalem. God stirred his heart to rebuild the house of God, repair the gates so everyone could worship together.

This is impossible for man to live by without the grace of God and the love of the Father and the constant fellowship of the Holy Spirit. It's an age old battle, against an age old enemy who has been trying to disrupt a believer's walk with God since man was created.

Our trials are an opportunity for God to reveal His glory and power. An opportunity for God to reveal His great love for His people, every believer. When we blame others, we step out of the character of God, and meet with a more gruelling battle against evil spirits that seek opportunity to burden us and tear us apart.

Let's stay focused on God's holy, heavenly and high calling in our lives. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.