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Only what God desires is good, nothing else

Any good outside of God's will is not good, but fatal to mankind. We have our ideas and feelings of doing good. But, what is considered good in the world may not agree with God.

When God created everything for Adam, it was good. God also made it clear it wasn’t good for man to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But, man thought otherwise. Talking to the serpent on a topic which they were told to avoid caused them to flip over. The devil primed them spiritually to give in and eat the fruit. They became convinced to go against God’s word. Disobedience brought sin into mankind.

Till the flood, many generations of Adam lived on earth. But only Noah and family were rescued. We see man’s thoughts were wicked continually. A nature of doing their own will. They did what they felt was right.

At Babel, God confused the people again, scattering them across the world. Why? They wanted to do whatever was good in their sight. God understood their intentions and knew what the eventual outcome would be.

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Genesis 11:6

Believers do the good that God desires

When man comes together to do good without God, then it will bring trouble. Adam and Eve came together and chose to eat the fruit. The group at Babel did the same. Believers need to be careful about decisions made in the church. Not your will, but God’s will be done.

For e.g. when you buy land for your church, do you seek God if it is His will to buy a particular piece of land? Or do you go ahead and buy what you feel is great because you have the money for it?

Are we operating from a place of God led power or money driven power? A question we need to ask ourselves everyday and respond in Christ.

Want to do good? Stay united in spirit and in truth through praise, prayer, bible and fellowship. Let God lead. Maranatha, praise God and amen.