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Perfect unity is possible when God's love remains centre

Why do relationships wear out? Why does everything we gain in this world leave us feeling vain and empty? 

Everything man boasts about on earth has been brought to zero. There exists a lack in every (carnal) relationship or (earthly) success.

Sibling relationships, parents' love, career, and friendships, have served the test of time and failed. Divisions and friction emerge like bugs in the woodwork. 

Man naturally wants to build everything on his own. He wants to feel proud, show off, and create an image for himself. 

When we begin facing hardships by getting out of our comfort zones, our eyes open to reality, and we get a better picture of what the Word of God is all about. 

The conclusion is nothing can stand without God's love. 

  • Abraham and Lot had to separate.
  • Esau and Jacob were divided.
  • Joseph and his brothers were separated because of jealousy.
  • Jonathan loved David, despite his father's deep hatred for him. Jonathan was willing to sacrifice his relationship with his father for David's sake.
  • Saul once loved David but lost all because he went against God's word.
  • The disciples betrayed Jesus.

The world still stands on God's truth. The truth became hidden because of sin. The darkness in man cannot comprehend the light of God's truth. Also, believers born into the faith lack maturity till they love the word. 

Perfect unity requires a love that lasts forever.

For true love and unity to exist, Christ must become the centre. Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity. We are knit together in God's love. 

The unity in Christ creates a new family because we are new creatures. We do not think like when we were in darkness. The mind of Christ is at work, urging us to work out our salvation. Everything we say and do is guided by a framework given by God and powered through His Spirit.

Start with Jesus to end in Him. He is love. Faith begins and ends with Him. When Jesus is first, every other relationship becomes easier to comprehend.

Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen.